Sunday, October 28, 2007

Two against the World !

"Two against the World." the 28 years old somewhat handsome groom said to the 25 years old quite beautiful bride in the movie I saw last time. It impressd me, and I think it's the best age for both women and men to get married. In my opinion, it's just right; it's not too young, nor it is too old. It means to take responsibility for the marriage, children, and spouse once getting married. Marriage is the most important thing in our lives. People in this age have experienced a lot of thing, so they are strong enough to build a strong marriage. If people are too young and get married early, they would probably get divorce. The percentage of getting divorce over the world is increasing, and it's because of people are too young to get married. Also, of course, it's not good for people who are too old to get married. They are too old to take that heavy responsibility for their children. All in all, it's the best for men around 28 and women around 25 to get married.

1 comment:

Denise said...

It's hard to choose the best age, isn't it? Also, even if you decide then what if you can't find the one you love at that right age?